Naturopathic Medicine

What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine guides people in the restoration of health through a holistic perspective: Naturopathic doctors (NDs) strive to address the cause, rather than the symptoms, of health issues, and aim to restore health through facilitating the body’s innate healing process.
In this way, NDs differ from conventional doctors, but when necessary, conventional approaches for evaluation and treatment, including physical exams, lab work, imaging, and appropriate conventional medications, can be incorporated to give you the most effective treatment plan.
What Should You Expect at Your Naturopathic Appointment?
You and Dr. Rinde, a licensed naturopathic doctor, will have 45 minutes to an hour to:
discuss your current health and any concerns,
review your diet and lifestyle,
complete a physical exam,
make a plan for recommended treatment, including any follow-up lab work, imaging, or conventional medicine.

Naturopathic Treatments
Below is a list of some examples of treatments that are used in naturopathic medicine:
nutritional medicine
lifestyle medicine
botanical medicine
bioidentical hormone therapy
physical medicine
health counseling
pharmaceutical medicine (note NDs do not generally have the ability to prescribe controlled substances)