How can Polyvagal Theory be utilized to understand and manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other health conditions?
On December 7th, 2023 I gave a very comprehensive presentation on the polyvagal theory and all things Vagus nerve as it relates to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) . It was a joy presenting on this topic and a lot of work. You can view the presentation on Youtube.
🔆 I discuss the autonomic nervous system and the polyvagal theory
🔆 The provide the historical perspective of IBS diagnosis is mentioned, highlighting the complexity of the condition.
🔆 The interconnectedness of the nervous system and IBS is emphasized.
🔆 The core concepts of the polyvagal theory are briefly introduced.15:20
🔆 The measurement and clinical presentation of dysautonomia are discussed.
🔆 The application of the theory to the IBS patient population are explored.28:40
🔆 Tools for working with patients using the polyvagal theory are mentioned such as the modalities I offer called Sound Safe Protocol and interfacing with the Nerva App
About the Polyvagal Theory:
🔍 The polyvagal theory provides a framework for understanding the relationship between the autonomic nervous system, physiology, and behavior in the context of IBS and digestive health. It emphasizes the role of the vagus nerve and Neuroception in this interplay.
🌱 The autonomic hierarchy concept explains how the nervous system responds to threat and safety, with different branches of the autonomic nervous system being activated based on the level of perceived danger. This has implications for understanding the physiological responses seen in IBS patients.
💡 The social engagement system, developed through evolution, plays a significant role in human bonding, cooperation, and the formation of trusting relationships. Understanding this system can provide insights into the impact of social interactions on the nervous system and overall health.
📊 The polyvagal theory offers assessment tools to measure the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, such as heart rate variability. These tools can help clinicians evaluate the regulatory capacity of the nervous system and inform treatment strategies.
🧩 The polyvagal theory suggests that the interconnectedness of the nervous system and the gut is crucial in understanding and addressing IBS and functional digestive disorders. By considering the nervous system’s role in digestion and stress response, a more comprehensive approach to treatment can be developed.
🛠️ Applying the concepts of the polyvagal theory in clinical practice can involve interventions that target specific branches of the autonomic nervous system, such as breathwork, mindfulness, and stress management techniques. These interventions aim to regulate the nervous system and promote overall health and well-being.